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Camponotus Maculatus Subnudus

Geographical Distribution: This species is found in Central Asia.

Monogynous species.

Description of Individuals:

Queen: Measures between 13-15 mm, brown with spots on the gaster. Workers: Size ranges from 8-10 mm, bright red in color throughout the body. Major Worker: Size ranges from 10-12 mm, the same color as the queen. Male: Males measure approximately 8-9 mm and are brown in color. Diet: Feeds on honeydew and insects such as flies, mealworms, mosquitoes, small grasshoppers, and fruits.

Environmental Conditions:

Humidity: Foraging area should have humidity between 30% and 60%, while the nest should maintain humidity between 50% and 70%. Temperature: The foraging area should be kept at a temperature of 22 to 28 °C, while the nest should be between 24 and 26 °C. Hibernation: Diapause is not necessary since they originate from the South of Thailand. Nest Type: Colonies of Camponotus Maculatus Subnudus can be housed in plaster nests, nests with tubes, or nests made of reconstituted stone. The best option is nests with bamboo tubes or a natural setup.

Description: Camponotus Maculatus Subdunus is an atypical species of Camponotus because the stage after the larvae is the nymph stage, not a cocoon stage as is usually found. It is a species that develops rapidly and is very easy to breed.

Foundation: Colony founding is claustral (i.e., without external feeding), and the development from egg to worker takes approximately 40 days, depending on the temperature.

Colony Size: A colony of Camponotus Maculatus Subnudus can consist of up to 10,000 individuals.

Camponotus Maculatus Subnudus

30,90 €Price
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