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  • Carebara diversa

  • Geographic distribution: The species is found in Central Asia and Eastern Asia.

  • monogynous species for Thailand or polygynous for those of Chinese origin.

  • Description of individuals:

    • Queen: She measures between 20 and 23 mm with black reddish reflections all over her body
    • Workers: Their size varies from 1 to 2 mm, this species presents more intermediate castes of all sizes, the workers will be black/brown.
    • Major: up to 22mm in colors similar to the queen.
  • Diet: They feed on honeydew, insects such as flies, mealworms, mosquitoes and small locusts, as well as fruits, this species once mature can even consume small rodents or reptiles.

  • Environmental conditions:

    • Humidity: The hunting area should have a humidity of 30 to 50%, while the nest requires a humidity of 70 to 90%.
    • Temperature: The hunting area must be maintained between 18 and 30°C, while the nest must be at a temperature of 24 to 28°C.
    • Hibernation: not necessary.
  • Type of nest: These ants can use various types of nests, from a tube foundation to a very humid nest, the most important thing is to anticipate the space the colony will need in the future.

  • Description: This species presents one of the greatest differences in dimophism among ants, the queen can measure up to 23mm while a worker will only measure 1mm, it is very aggressive and presents very strong recruitment in this species.

  • Founding: Colony founding occurs claustrally (without feeding), and development from egg to worker takes approximately 45 days, depending on temperature. The foundation is not recommended as a queen alone or when performing pleometrosis often guarantees success despite the loss of one or more queens.

  • Colony size: A colony of carebara diversa can reach 200k workers of course this can be slowed down by a supply of food and regulate to around 10-20k workers.

Carebara Diversa 100/200 workers

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